Take the danger out of hanging ceiling signs and banners
Are your people trained how to use ladders? Getting up on ladders to change out ceiling signs can be both expensive and dangerous. In fact:
• More than 20,000 of workplace injuries occur every year because of ladder usage.
• Over 11,000 of these injuries resulted in work loss from one to 364 days.
• Sixty-six percent of all injured had not been trained on how to use the ladder.
• Fifty-three percent of the ladders were broken during the yearly injuries.
Remove the risk by using Sign EEZ No-Ladder System. With Sign EEZ, you can safely and easily change out ceiling signs while standing on the floor with no ladders or disruption to product displays. siffron has the tools and accessories that make this task easier, and more importantly, safer.
Are you willing to take the risk to put your employees in danger while on a ladder? Protect your employees and your bottom line by providing a safe solution to hanging signs. Choose from a variety of sign and banner hanging systems, ceiling hooks, adjustable ceiling cables, wire hangers and banner hangers that are a perfect fit for your store's ceiling grids. Find out more.